
Helps manage matters systematically for the clients as well as the lawyer. Get information on the matter status, process, assigned lawyer etc. Get real time updates on case status as the lawyers update information on the go through application.


Have update on important dates related to your case. Get reminders for hearing schedules. Helps manage schedule.


View your case invoices with detailed breakup on the various aspects. Helps have transparency.

Real Time Updates

Get Real Time Updates on Case Status as the Lawyer’s Access and Update the details on the go with the Application. Stay connected to your lawyers 24*7 by reaching out to them anytime and having real time update of their current availability status through the application.

Remarkable Features


This user interface tab helps the user have a gist of various tabs in the portal and gives you easy access to work summaries as well as a user friendly navigation that allows you to get whatever information is required.


Helps manage matters systematically for the clients as well as the lawyer. Get information on the matter status, process, assigned lawyer etc. Get real time updates on case status as the lawyers update information on the go through application.


Creating invoices with transparency on fees and its various heads


Manage all case related documents. Helps have a systematic access to required documents. Have a database of all the case related documents from start to current at the palm of your hands.


View and update Case schedules and important events related to the matter.

Reach Us

24/7 connectivity with our team. Stay updated and connected with your lawyers.


Our story behind developing the idea of having an application and web portal specially designed for our clients and team is based on our values. This initiative being an answer to our values:

    Working towards bringing about ICONIC changes in the field of law by going paper free and making it easier for our clientele and team to have access to case documents. Breaking the stereotype of tedious filling for the lawyers and for the clientele to wait to have their hands on file to get updates on their case.


    Integrity being an important culture in our organization this initiative is a step ahead in providing transparency in our procedures and working culture. Giving clients bearer free access to their matter, its documentation, invoicing etc.


    We perceive artificial intelligence to be around the corner and therefore are motivated to innovate with time making technological advancements to the fullest. The aim behind this innovative development was to prioritize the client’s security and confidentiality as well as providing a user-friendly interactive platform for lawyers.

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